The environmental and social impacts of mining/processing and how the negative impacts can be reduced Learning Outcomes.What mineral resources society uses and how those resources are mined and processed.How geologic forces shape the planet, rocks, and minerals on Earth.At the end of this chapter, you will know:.NO STONE UNTURNED A bevy of unfamiliar minerals are crucial for our everyday technologies -but they come with a slew of problems. Less destructive methods of extraction and more environmental safeguards are needed. Concerns range from limited supply, to the dangers posed to people and environment, to unsustainability. 19 Society relies on many mineral resources. NO STONE UNTURNED A bevy of unfamiliar minerals are crucial for our everyday technologies-but they come with a slew of problems.

CHAPTER 19MINERAL RESOURCESNO STONE UNTURNEDA bevy of unfamiliar minerals are crucial for our everyday technologies-but they come with a slew of problems.