The Transformers Onslaught features intricate details that bring both his interchangeable modes to life, such as electronic light and sound features that add a great level of immersion to play time, and a number of accessories pulled straight from his animated clashes with the Autobots. The Transformers’ long history makes this toy Decepticon Onslaught a great addition to any collection, for Transformers fans of all ages. From the first generation of the franchise’s animated series to the live action Transformer films by Michael Bay, Onslaught and his fellow Transformer Combaticon Combiners are found fighting alongside Megatron and his Decepticon army as Bruticus in their war to conquer the universe.

This leader of the Transformer Combaticon team of Combiners could merge with his fellow war machines to form the gargantuan Bruticus. Onslaught is a deadly combination of brains and brawn, a master war strategist and brain power behind the massive and mighty Bruticus. Send the Autobot leader Optimus Prime and his fellow heroic Robots in Disguise fleeing for shelter with Hasbro’s Ultra Onslaught action figure, part of the company’s Transformers Universe line of toys.